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Contract Specifications and Lot Size Calculations
Contract Specifications and Lot Size Calculations
Updated over a month ago

Contract Specifications

  1. You can find the contract specifications for all symbols via the trading platform. To do so, simply go to your Market Watch --> Right-click symbol --> Specification.

  2. On the mobile app, simply tap the symbol then select "Details".

  3. You may also review the table located at the bottom of this article for the full list of contract sizes per symbol offered with each broker.

How to Calculate Pips and Leverage

Lot size limitations on the broker level are based on the leverage, and account simulated equity available upon placing the trade. To calculate the max number of lots you can open based on the leverage of the symbol, you will use this calculation: (Account simulated equity x Leverage = Available Capital), then (Available Capital / Contract Size = Max lots). For a standard lot size (1 lot) of 100,000 units, the pip value is $10 (100,000 x 0.0001).

Example 1: If you have a virtual funds $100K Royal Challenge account and you have a leverage of 1:60, then you will have virtual $6 million ($100,000 account size x 60 leverage) or 60 lots ($6,000,000 / 100,000 units) that you can use for trading on FX pairs.

Example 2: If you have a virtual funds $200K Rapid account with a leverage of 1:30, then you will have virtual $6 million ($200,000 account size x 30 leverage) or 60 lots ($6,000,000 / 100,000 units) that you can use for trading on FX pairs.

Example 3: If you have a virtual funds $50K Standard account with a leverage of 1:200, then you will have virtual $10 million ($50,000 account size x 200 leverage), or 100 lots $10,000,000 / 100,000 units) that you can use for trading on FX pairs.

Please click the button below to review the contract specifications on all regulated broker symbols to calculate the lot size and exposure limits on the account.

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