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A Comprehensive Guide to The Funded Trader Rapid Challenge
A Comprehensive Guide to The Funded Trader Rapid Challenge

Explore the Rapid Challenge: An Overview of Account Sizes and Pricing Tiers.

Updated over a month ago

Important Notice: Rapid Challenge program is no longer available for purchase. Please refer to our other available programs for more options.


The Rapid Challenge offers traders a quicker path to receiving their rewards with flexible options for early withdrawals and scaling. Key features include:

☑️ First Withdrawal in 14 Days (7-day option available with add-on).

☑️ 0 Minimum Trading Days During Challenge Phases

☑️ 5% Daily Drawdown (Balance) & 8% Max Drawdown (Static).

☑️ 80% Reward Split (scale to 95% with VIP program).

☑️ 25% Scaling Every 3 Months.

☑️ Up to $1.2M in Challenge & Funded Accounts.

☑️ Quickest Phase 2 Credentials of any challenge.

The Rapid Challenge is ideal for traders seeking a fast-track experience with high payout potential and quick progression.



Profit Target

Max. Daily Drawdown (Daily floating loss + closed loss)

Max. Overall Drawdown

Min. Trading Days

Trading Days

Phase 1






Phase 2












NOTE: All Phase 1 & 2, as well as Funded Accounts, are routed through a simulated feed, therefore simulating, real market conditions.

Understanding Max Daily and Total Drawdown

Daily Drawdown

Maximum Daily Loss | 5%

In the course of one working day, the maximum daily drawdown on the account (which consists of the account’s current result of opened positions and the result of positions closed on the given day) must not exceed 5% of the initial demo balance of the account. Please note this includes simulated commissions.

Reset Time

The max daily drawdown resets every day between 4:57 PM - 5:03 PM EST. To ensure smooth functionality, we advise our traders to not execute trades in between the window of 4:57 PM - 5:03 PM EST when the drawdown is being reset. Once your last balance is pulled for the trading day, your dashboard will update with new Daily Breach Level. This is the amount your account equity must stay above in order to not be breached.

Note: We also utilize a reconciliation module that reviews breaches the following day to add an additional layer of verification for any breach activity.

Max Drawdown

Maximum Total Drawdown | 8%

  • The maximum total drawdown is 8%. Therefore, the equity of the account must not fall below 92% of the initial demo account balance both for open and closed positions, including simulated commissions and simulated swaps.

Note: We also utilize a reconciliation module that reviews breaches the following day to add an additional layer of verification for any breach activity.

Daily & Max Drawdown Rules Examples

The following chart shows the daily drawdown loss and overall max loss by account size for the Rapid Challenge.


  • Receive an 80% payout at the end of every 14-day period (counted from the first trade after the last approved withdrawal).

  • Receive an 80% payout, which can be requested every 7 days, if purchased with the 7 day payout add-on (counted from the first trade after the last approved withdrawal).


  • Any violation of the rules above will result in the termination of your TFT trading account and you will not be eligible to move forward in the program with that account.

  • Note: both the daily drawdown and max drawdown breach on an account include simulated commissions, and simulated swap fees.

Holding Trades & Weekend Crypto Trading

Challenge Type
(Phase & Funded accounts)

Hold Trades Overnight

Hold Trades Over Weekend

Weekend Crypto Trading

Rapid Challenge




⚠️ Weekend Trade Closure Warning ⚠️

Please note that our system will automatically close all trades at 4 PM EST before the weekend. At that time, your account will be temporarily disabled to prevent any new trades from being opened. The account will be re-enabled shortly after 5 PM EST to allow you to trade crypto over the weekend.


• While your account is disabled, you will not be able to manually maintain or close your trades. All trades will be closed by the system.

• The system will attempt to close trades multiple times between 4 PM and 5 PM EST to ensure all trades are properly closed.

• In the event that a trade is not closed and remains open through the weekend, you will be responsible for any market fluctuations (higher or lower) when the market reopens.

Weekend Crypto Trading & Maintenance Schedule

For Weekend Crypto Trading Hours and Maintenance Schedule, please follow this article for more details.

NOTE: All Phase 1, 2, 3 and as well as TFT Funded Accounts are routed through a simulated feed, therefore simulating real market conditions.

A payout means you are paid based on data which is measured by simulated profit.

Rapid Challenge Scaling

  • Eligibility: Traders must show profitability of at least 6% over a 3-month period.

  • Scaling Increase: 25% increase of initial demo account balance per scaling event.

Rapid Challenge Scaling Examples

Initial Virtual Starting Balance

Scaling Event

New Virtual Starting Balance


25% of original starting balance added to virtual starting balance



25% of original starting balance added to virtual starting balance



25% of original starting balance added to virtual starting balance


A full overview of the Scaling Program can be read in this article.

Rapid Challenge Pricing

Account Size


With 7 day payout


Third Payout Bonus
(Depends on the order selected)

























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