Holding Trades & Simulated Crypto Weekend Trading
Challenge Type | Hold Trades Overnight | Hold Trades Over Weekend | Weekend Crypto Trading |
Standard Challenge | Yes | No | Yes |
Rapid Challenge | Yes | No | Yes |
Royal Challenge | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dragon Challenge | Yes | No | Yes |
Knight Challenge | Yes | No | Yes |
Accounts Not Allowed to Hold Trades Over the Weekend
The following Challenge types (Phase & Funded accounts) are not allowed to hold trades over the weekend:
Standard Challenges
Rapid Challenges
Dragon Challenges
Knight Challenges
⚠️ Weekend Trade Closure Warning ⚠️
Please note that our system will automatically close all trades at 4 PM EST before the weekend. At that time, your account will be temporarily disabled to prevent any new trades from being opened. The account will be re-enabled shortly after 5 PM EST to allow you to trade crypto over the weekend.
• While your account is disabled, you will not be able to manually maintain or close your trades. All trades will be closed by the system.
• The system will attempt to close trades multiple times between 4 PM and 5 PM EST to ensure all trades are properly closed.
• In the event that a trade is not closed and remains open through the weekend, you will be responsible for any market fluctuations (higher or lower) when the market reopens.
Drawdown Considerations
The max daily drawdown resets every day at 5:00 PM EST. To ensure smooth functionality, we advise our traders to not execute trades in between the window of 4:57 PM - 5:03 PM EST when the drawdown is being reset.
Once your last balance/equity (whichever is higher) is pulled for the trading day your dashboard will update with your new simulated daily breach level. This is the amount your account simulated equity must stay above in order to not be breached. Rapid account daily drawdown is based on balance. Royal, Dragon, Standard, and Knight are based on balance or equity whichever is higher.
Weekend Crypto Trading & Maintenance Schedule
For Weekend Crypto Trading Hours and Maintenance Schedule, please follow this article for more details.